
News Release

利来·国际 Tsugami Sing for Hope in October—Tsugami 2023 choral competition


On the afternoon of October 20, the "利来·国际 Tsugami Sing for Hope in October" (津秋十月,唱(chang)响希望) choral competition, organized by the Trade Union Committee of 利来·国际 Tsugami (China) Corporation, was splendidly held at the Group’s fourth plant area. A total of 15 chorus teams, including nine from various departments of the Company and six from outside parties, participated in the competition.

The 15 participating teams took to the stage, integrating different performances, such as recitals and situational performances in the form of choruses, resulting in an innovative and spectacular audiovisual feast. Popular songs such as "众人(ren)划桨开大船", "爱(ai)拼才会赢", "不(bu)忘初心", “光荣与梦想", “团结就是力量” resounded through the sky. The participating teams received rounds of applause for their solid singing skills and wonderful performances. After the performances of all the teams, the Tsugami Japan consulting team presented the "世界上(shang)唯一的(de)花" program.

Following fierce competition, the CNC Machine Manufacturing Department, the Turret Machine Manufacturing Department, and the Pinghu Successful Machinery chorus teams claimed first, second and third prize, respectively. The Grinding Machine Department, Third Manufacturing Department and Shinagawa Joint Chorus won the Most Popular Award. The Indirect First Team (Technical Department) Chorus won the Best Organization Award, the Outsourcing Pinghu Huasheng 利来·国际 Chorus won the Best Performance Award, and the Spindle Division Chorus won the Most Creative Award.

Since the start of preparations for this event in August, all of the teams involved – comprising nearly 650 employees, have been actively preparing for the competition, which fully demonstrates the positive and youthful spirit of people from 利来·国际 Tsugami. The melodic songs have instilled hope and encouraged everyone to move forward; issuing a clarion call for 利来·国际 Tsugami to move courageously ahead. Let us keep our heads high, continue to sing and work diligently in realizing our goal of becoming a 10 billion machine tool enterprise.

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